Over the course of eight weeks, RiseHI hosted 16 budding entrepreneurs, creators and change-makers as part of its first cohort. Members completed an eight-week individual online course focusing on key stories and learning lessons from successful local entrepreneurs, creators and community leaders. They also attended weekly webinar discussions where they could exchange ideas, learn from another and ask questions to the guest speaker.

Risehi 2022 cohort

  • Ashton Obrero

    Musician | Founder of Creative Natives Hawaiʻi

  • Cassidy Apo

    Event Coordinator at Hawaiʻi Food & Wine Festival

  • Carly Kan

    Medical Sales Representative | Professional Beach Volleyball Player

  • Chelsey Dickson

    Advancement Stewardship Coordinator at Hawaiʻi Prepratory Academy

  • Denise Karratti

    Vice Principal at Waimea High School

  • Emily Carl Tom

  • Emily Makahi

    Deputy Principal Investigator at Waiʻanae Coast Comprehensive Health Center | Founder of The Social Work Collective

  • Haylin Chock

    Owner/Artist of ‘Ike Kumu | Outreach Specialist at Kaua’i Invasive Species Committee

  • Kauʻionālani Mead

    Curriculum Designer | Vocal Coach | Founder of Hoʻōla Music and Cultural Arts

  • Kea Peters

    Illustrator | Founder of Kakou Collective

  • Kelcie Yomen

  • Keanu Wilson

  • Mathieu Williams

    Vice Principal at Kealakehe Intermediate School

  • Pūlama Long

    Founder of Honi Hala

  • Rhema Wong

    Co-Founder of R Planet

  • Trinity Asing

    Co-Founder of Mauka Market


  • "I had the privilege of going through RISEHI's first cohort. It was an amazing experience. I gained so much from every guest speaker and interview, got to connect with so many like minded entrepreneurs and leaders, and was inspired to keep pushing and working towards my goals. RISEHI gave me the tools I need to grow a successful business in Hawai'i."

    Trinity Asing, Mauka Market Co-Founder

  • "The RISEHI cohort has been a tremendous catalyst and support system as my school and I navigate very unfamiliar waters. The curriculum of videos, exercises, and reflection opportunities were intentionally planned to nudge our thinking forward. The connections made have been invaluable as not only did each cohort member provide "out-of-the-box" thinking for others but we have also benefited from the newfound partnerships and shared resources."

    Denise Karratti, Waimea High School Vice Principal